Penentuan Nilai Kekerasan, Resistivitas, dan Konduktivitas Subtrat Aluminium dengan Metode Sputtering terhadap Variasi Suhu

Penentuan Nilai Kekerasan, Resistivitas, dan Konduktivitas Subtrat Aluminium dengan Metode Sputtering terhadap Variasi Suhu

Handoyo Saputro
Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Sarjanawiya Tamansiswa Yogyakarta,
Jl. Batikan UH III/1043

This article describes the effect of iron deposition on an aluminium substrate under sputtering method with the variation of temperature. The sample was a sputtered iron by aluminium substrate at variations of 60oC to 180oC with 3 hours of deposition time. The research result showed that some colour changing those partially golden yellow mix with red, blue and some of the grey. Micro-hardness was tested using MXT70 model and showed that the maximum hardness level at the temperature of 100oC is 113%. However, at temperature 180oC the hardness level decreased. The resistivity and conductivity were determined by four points probe method. It was known that the resistivity decreases up to (66 ± 3) x 10-5 Ω/m and the conductivity increases (147 ± 65) (Ω/m)-1 at temperature 180oC and they tended to be linear and it has been the best measurement result.

Keywords: sputtering, aluminum, hardness, resistivity, conductivity
