Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kuantum Pada Perkuliahan Untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar, Kreativitas, Dan Daya Ingat Mahasiswa

Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kuantum Pada Perkuliahan Untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar, Kreativitas, Dan Daya Ingat Mahasiswa

Sigit Sujatmika
Prodi Pendidikan IPA FKIP UST Yogyakarta
Email :
Telp. 085729759982


The aims of this research were to find out the effect of learning method applying quantum learning on the student’s academic reputation achievement, improving of the student’s creativity, and improving of student’s memory.
The research used qualitative descriptive method. The objects of the research were 30 students of the first semester in Science Education Program in UST in the academic year 2015/2016. Student’s achievement were collected by using test method. The test method was used to get data dealing with both the student’s academic reputation achievement and improving of the student’s memory. Whereas, data dealing with the improvment of the student’s creativity was taken based on the products created by students.
Results of the research indicate that: (1) Quantum learning method can result much better of the student’s academic reputation achievement; (2) Quantum learning method can increase the student’s creativity; and (3) Quantum learning method can improve the student’s memory.

Keywords: Quantum Learning, Student’s Academic Reputation Achievement, Creativity, Memory
