Cultural-Based Education of Tamansiswa as a Locomotive of Indonesian Education System

Cultural-Based Education of Tamansiswa as a Locomotive of Indonesian Education System

Cahyono Agus, Pita Asih Bekti Cahyanti, Bambang Widodo,
Yuyun Yulia and Siti Rochmiyati


A World Bank Report (2013) found that Indonesian students are at the bottom on TIMMS, PIRLS and PISA tests, brings Indonesian education index was categorized as the lowest ranking. Thus, Indonesia must do a restoration or revolution by considering local cultural aspects. Ki Hadjar Dewantara (KHD), founding father of Tamansiswa institution, proposed concept of Three Education Centre (Tri Pusat Pendidikan), namely, family, school and community. The education system with strong culture and humanity values educate head, heart and hand respectively. Accordingly, “Trilogy of leadership” in front to be the model, in the middle to raise the spirit, behind to encourage. Indonesian education revolution for 89.48 million children is urgently done to participate on dignified sustainable development. Indonesian education system needs to provide intelligent, wide, deep, creative, innovative, integrated, comprehensive and futuristic concept that foster responsibility and real contribution in 100 years Indonesia independence day, 2045.

Keywords: Character building, Edutainment, Golden generation, Leadership, Tamansiswa

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